Thursday 5 May 2016

3 Mary Cohr Paris Products for Great Anti-Aging Skin Care Results

Mary Cohr Paris or simply Mary Cohr has set new benchmarks in the skin care industry. The wide range of products the company produces is the outcome of intensive studies conducted in their state-of-the-art laboratories. Mary Cohr is also among a selected cosmetics companies that have been certified for their highest quality standards. Evaluating novel active ingredients originating from their advance researches and putting them into use to boost the formulation and efficacy of their products has been the hallmark of this renowned brand. Let’s take a look at 3 of their products known to deliver amazing anti-aging skin care benefits.

Mary Cohr Hydrosmose Cell Renewal Cream

Ideal for dehydrated skins, this beauty care cream provides cells with a non-stop source of hydration by means of "osmosis". Water is held in the skin on a long-term basis thanks to the Aquasmoses. The wrinkles caused by dehydration are plumped. The skin regains comfort and softness, throughout the course of the day

Active Component

Aquasmoses: These liposomes, which are filled with the Hydrosmose® Complex, will transport water to cells by means of "osmosis", providing the skin with a continuous source of hydration.

Use: Apply daily, morning and evening, to the whole of the face.

Mary Cohr Ice Lift Mask

Intended for undernourished skins, Ice Lift restores radiance in 10 minutes, by means of a double action: a "cool effect", thanks to its gel texture and a "lift effect", which tightens facial features and smoothes wrinkles.

Active Component

The Densilift Complex smoothes wrinkles immediately due to its film-forming properties. It redensifies the skin and plumps out wrinkles by activating cell multiplication and cell regeneration.

Use: After cleansing, apply to the face and neck in a generous layer, 2 to 3 times a week. Avoid the eye contour. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes and then remove it using a toner.

Mary Cohr Double Youth Cream

An exceptional anti-aging skin care product, Double Youth hits two of women's rejuvenation targets: "internal" youth, by creating youth in the cells, and "external" youth, by erasing the visible signs of aging.

Active Component

Hydrolysed DNA: Exclusive to Mary Cohr, this fragmented DNA penetrates into the skin, acting in close proximity to cells, protecting their DNA against free radicals responsible for skin aging.

Hyaluronic Acid (filling spheres): A major constituent of the dermis, it will go right to the heart of wrinkles and lines, visibly erasing them and increasing hydration on a long-term basis.

Use: Apply daily, morning and evening, to the whole of the face.

Mary Cohr offers many top-quality anti-aging skin care items capable of rejuvenating the skin like never before. If you live in Canada and wish to order the aforementioned products or anything else from this brand, then can help you grab the best deals. The website also sells skin care products from other famous brands like Rosa Graf, BeautyMed, Clayton Shagal, Pacifica, and Phyto Sintesi Skin Care.

5 Vitamin and Mineral Supplements to Improve Women’s Health and Wellness

Women across the world suffer from many chronic illnesses that can be attributed to the nutritional deficiencies in their diets. With the rapid changes in our eating habits, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other food items obtained from plants are suddenly missing from our plates. A rich source of vital nutrients like vitamins and minerals, these foods should be part of a healthy diet for women, men and children alike. Any sort of vitamin or mineral deficiency can hamper our day-to-day life in a significant way. So, it is always advisable to eat right. And, if women are still unable to meet their daily dosage of vital nutrients, then there are vitamin and mineral supplements available to help them out in this regard. Following are 5 such supplements that can contribute to women’s health and wellness optimally.

Multivitamins with Additional Benefits

In this fast paced world of processed foods, it’s hard to get the nutrients we need to stay healthy. Often times we grab a multivitamin and think we are getting all the benefits vitamins and minerals offer. However, to maintain and reach optimal health, we need more antioxidant supportin the form of vitamin C, E, A, the carotenes and selenium to help fight pollution and disease; more B vitamins to help the body better cope with stress, chemicals and denatured food; and minerals to help the body, especially the bones, stay strong.

So, opt for those supplements that supply not just the benefits of vitamins and minerals but a broad range of amino acids and a host of nutraceuticals such as heart healthy coenzyme Q10, super antioxidant green tea, eye and prostate healthy lycopene, digestive enzymes to help digest our denatured foods, chlorophyll rich ingredients, special enzyme form of vitamins and more. In North America, the number of females having a vitamin deficiency due to a poor diet is on the rise. Here, taking a multivitamin supplement containing extra benefits can mean a healthier, longer, and more productive life.

Calcium Supplements

It is important to support strong bones and bone growth. This is especially true for women who are four times more likely to suffer from osteoporosis. As women age, changes in their estrogen levels can affect their bone mass. This is often unnoticed as osteoporosis is a silent disease. Supplements containing microcrystalline hydroxyapatite (MCHC), the most readily available form of calcium for human supplementation, can prove to be very effective. These days, calcium supplementation also comes with amino acids, glucosamine, magnesium, several types of vitamin, and so on to provide a broad spectrum formula for different bone-related diseases.

Folic Acid Supplements

Folic acid, a type of B vitamin,helps reduce the risk of neural tube defects when taken prior to conception and during early pregnancy. It also enables the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for cells to easily assimilate and use for energy creation within the mitochondria (cellular power-plant).Supplementing with folic acid has also been shown to reduce levels of the amino acid homocysteine. Elevated homocysteine has been associated with atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and reduced blood flow to the brain, which can contribute to depression.

Candida Supplements

The Candida albicans yeast is present in 80% of the population. Usually it lies dormant; however it is a very opportunistic organism. Candida albicans can grow out of control if you become immune-compromised or help create an environment that is more favourable to its growth (consuming too much sugar for example). The use of antibiotics also reduces friendly probiotic populations that help keep Candida under control.

For women, candida overgrowth can cause vaginal burning, erratic periods, inconsistent flow and more. Candida supplements can stop the overgrowth of this yeast. Theycan reduce your candida yeast and increase your probiotic population to healthier levels. Most of these supplements use natural ingredients and help eliminate the root cause of the yeast overgrowth in your body.

Menopause and Hormone Balancing Supplements

Menopause is part of the natural life cycle of women. Menopausal symptoms affect about 70% of women approaching menopause. Typical menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes or night sweats, are caused by changing hormonal levels in the female reproductive system. Almost all women notice early symptoms while still having periods. This stage of gradually falling and fluctuating hormone levels is called pre-menopause, which often begins in the early 40s.

The symptoms of menopause usually last for the whole menopause transition (until the mid-50s), but some women may experience them for the rest of their lives. This can be an uncomfortable time for many women as they adjust to fluctuating hormone levels, hot and cold flashes and a variety of other symptoms.

Menopause and hormone balancing supplements formulated with ingredients likeisoflavones, terpenes and flavonoids help balance hormones production through menopause. They help modulate estrogen and testosterone levels, keeping them within normal ranges. In addition, the natural ingredients help regulate estrogen to progesterone levelsfor a smooth transition. Supplementation accomplishes this without the carcinogenic fears of hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

A healthy diet combined with exercise and certain vitamin and mineral supplements like the ones stated above can ensure optimum womens health and wellness. To find out more about antioxidant support, anti aging nutrition, candida treatment, detox and liver support, joint and bone health, etc., you may visit that also sells an array of vitamins and minerals as well as natural skin care products at low prices.

7 Important Vitamin and Mineral Supplements for Men’s Sound Health

To lead a healthy life, it is essential to eat a balanced diet containing various types of foodrich in all the necessary nutrients. However, many of us experience the deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals as our daily intake is unable to compensate them. Although there is no substitute to a healthy diet and lifestyle, it becomes paramount in many cases    to take quality vitamin and mineral supplements for a hale and hearty life. Just like females and kids, males have distinct nutritional requirements. When it comes to choosing men’s health vitamins and minerals, the primary focus has been to boost energy and performance. Nevertheless, supplements are available not only to take care of their performance, but also to address their different medical issues and restore their overall health. Seven of them have been explained underneath.

Boron for Strong Bones and Hormone Regulation

Boron is a trace element which influences the metabolism of nutrients like calcium and magnesium involved in the maintenance of strong bones and may play a role in hormone regulation. Known to nutritional professionals as the “calcium helper”, it plays a crucial role in bone health since it aids in calcium absorption and utilization in the body.Though no recommended dietary allowance (RDA) has been established for boron, the average daily intake is greatly variable, having been estimated at between 0.5 and 7 mg per day.

Boron is found in most tissues, but is concentrated in the bone, spleen, and thyroid, signifyingits functions in bone metabolism and suggesting its potential role in hormone metabolism. Boron is found in relatively high levels in foods of plant origin, such as black beans, peaches, apricots, spinach, strawberries, apples, cantaloupe and tomatoes. Many of us do not eat these items in adequate amounts and boron joint & bone supplements can help. Meat and fish are poor dietary sources of boron.

As part of a balanced multi-vitamin/mineral supplement, boron may help prevent atherosclerosis, improve brain function and cognitive functioning, reduce HDL cholesterol, affect thyroid hormone levels, alleviate harmful effects of vitamin D, magnesium, and potassium deficiency in post-menopausal bone loss, play a role in the prevention of osteoporosis, be of benefit in the treatment of arthritis, and prevent calcium loss in postmenopausal women.

Calcium Citrate Plus Vitamin D3 for Increased Bone Density

Most men fall short of the recommended intake of calcium every day. Calcium is a major essential mineral that is often deficiently supplied by dietary means, poorly absorbed, and frequentlypassed from the body at a rate faster than we absorb it.Calcium citrate is a highly bio available source of elemental calcium to neutralizeosteoporosis (abnormal loss of bone tissue) that is especially common for postmenopausal women. It also serves to prevent the absorption of free radical generating iron into the blood stream.Calcium citrate when formulated with vitamin D3, the active form of vitamin D, is responsible for the absorption and mineralization of calcium for maintenance of a strong skeletal system.

Chromium Picolinate to Lower the Risk of Diabetes

Chromium is among the well-known vitamin and mineral supplementsused to build muscles. However, it is highly effective against diabetes as well. Chromium picolinate is a patented version of the trace element chromium, chemically bound to picolinic acid. The body produces picolinic acid as a mechanism to enhance the absorption of trace minerals at the cellular level. Fully reacted chromium in picolinate form saves the body a metabolic step and improves the rate of absorption. Studies have shown chromium picolinate supplementation to improve metabolism, and lower blood serum cholesterol and glucose levels. Chromium boosts the ability of insulin to reduce serum glucose levels; this has a favorable impact on the development of coronary heart disease since diabetes is a key risk factor. Athletes that train extensively should also consider chromium picolinate supplement as excessive excretion through perspiration can result in a deficiency.

Coenzyme Q10 for Increased Production of Energy

Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone, is a vitamin like substance synthesized by the body that plays a critical role in energy production at the cellular level. It also prevents coronary-artery disease by reducing the accumulation of oxidized fats on arterial walls. Reduced levels of coenzyme Q10 have also been implicated in memory loss and impaired cognitive function.

Production of CoQ10 by the body begins to decline as people reach their twenties; perhaps the most recent threat to critical levels of this coenzyme is associated with statin use. Statins inhibit the production of both cholesterol and co-enzyme Q 10 as they are both synthesized from the same substance, mevalonate. The effective way to boost energy production and restore the youthful levels is by taking coenzyme Q10 supplementation that has also been found to combat cancer, Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, etc. and may ward off heart disease by thinning the blood. It is a potent anti aging nutrition since it is bundled with antioxidants that fight free radicals and slow down the aging process.

Creatineto Improve Muscle Strength and Energy

Creatine is an amino acid (amino acids are the building blocks of proteins) which is made in the body by the liver and kidneys, and is derived from the diet through meat and animal products. The American Food and Drug Administration categorizes creatine as a food supplement (like a vitamin).

In the body, creatine is changed into a molecule called “phosphocreatine” which serves as a storage reservoir for quick energy. Phosphocreatine is especially important in tissues such as the voluntary muscles and the nervous system that periodically require large amounts of energy. Studies have shown that creatine can increase the performance of athletes in activities that require quick bursts of energy, such as sprinting, and can help athletes to recover faster after expending bursts of energy. Two scientific studies have indicated that creatine may be beneficial for neuromuscular disorders too.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Safeguard Your Heart

Fish oil is probably the most important dietary source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital nutrients. Omega-3 fatty acids are one type of essential fatty acids, special fats that the body needs as much as it needs vitamins. Much of the research into the potential therapeutic benefits of omega-3 fatty acids began when studies of the Inuit (Eskimo) people found that although their diets contain an enormous amount of fat from fish, seals, and whales, they seldom suffer heart attacks or develop rheumatoid arthritis. This is presumably because those sources of fat are very high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Categorized as heart & cholesterol supplements, these fatty acids reduce inflammation, protect against the abnormal clotting associated with heart attacks, and possibly inhibit cancer. These omega-3 fatty acids differ structurally from omega-6 fatty acids. Evidence from studies show that omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the chances of getting atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches, and other heart and inflammatory diseases.

Vitamin E to Slow the Signs of Aging

Vitamin E is one of the great fat-soluble antioxidants. It is able to go where ordinary water-soluble antioxidants cannot. As a powerful antioxidant support, vitamin E helps stop oxygen in red blood cells from turning into harmful peroxides. As well, it protects other vitamins from oxidation in the digestive tract.

Most vitamin E products contain only d-alpha tocopherol and often the synthetic form. There is much more to vitamin E than d-alpha tocopherol. There are eight compounds that make up the vitamin E family. Our food contains all eight compounds and this is the form our bodies have been processing since the beginning of our time. Hence, make sure that your supplementation contains all the eight members of the vitamin E family – four tocopherols and four tocotrienols.

All these 7 mens health vitamins and minerals contribute significantly to one’s wellbeing. However, the priority should always be on taking a balanced diet. Consider these vitamin and mineral supplements for those added benefits you may miss from your diet. is a trusted source for a wide array of homeopathy and herbal medicine online. Based in Ontario, Canada, it offers high quality joint & bone supplements, liver and kidney support supplements, anti aging nutrition, heart & cholesterol supplements, and so on at discounted rates.