Sunday 14 August 2016

Product Introduction: Rosa Graf Golden Line Day Cream and Night Cream

Rosa Graf needs has been a prestigious skin care brand that always strives to incorporate the most innovative, natural ingredients into its products. Here, we would like to shed light on two Rosa Graf items from its Golden Line series that represents a major step forward in skincare. Golden Line features a new form of active substance complex based on bioflavones and vitamins which can have a noticeably positive effect on the light induced ageing process of the skin.

Bioflavones are plant components with various biological functions. One well-known group is the flavonoids, of which rutin with its tissue strengthening effect is worthy of special mention.

Golden Line is suitable for all types of skin but is especially recommended for more mature skin. In case of hypersensitive skin, a test should be carried out on a small area of skin. It is important to use GOLDEN LINE D (Day Cream) regularly in the morning and GOLDEN LINE N (Night Cream) in the evening over an extended period of time. Initial results should normally be noticeable after just two weeks; after 4-6 weeks the results are more clearly visible.

Rosa Graf Golden Line D

This mild oil-in-water day cream containsbioflavone-vitamin-complex. Bioflavones in conjunction with vitamins give the skin a smoother and more radiant appearance. Lines and wrinkles become shallower and the complexion more even, thus giving it a more youthful appearance. Golden Line D should be applied sparingly in the morning after cleansing and toning and massaged gently into the skin.

Rosa Graf Golden Line N

This night cream (water-in-oil emulsion) also containsbioflavone-vitamin-complex. As phytoestrogens, bioflavones aid the regeneration of more mature skin. They give the skin a smoother and more youthful appearance. Bioflavones are particularly active at night because during this time, the skin's own regeneration mechanism is at work. Bioflavonoids have natural antioxidant properties and have a noticeable positive effect on aging skin. With daily use of this cream, skin's elasticity is improved and wrinkles are visibly reduced. Skin looks radiant once again.

These two anti-aging skin care products can be purchased from at fabulous prices. This web-based store in Ontario, Canada sells the full range of Rosa Graf skin careitems along with products of other reputable brands such as Phyto Sintesi, Clayton Shagal, Mary Cohr, and Beauty Med.

Part Two: Herbs and Spices Making Herbal Medicine More and More Popular

In the first part, we had covered 8 therapeutic herbs and spices increasingly being used in many herbal vitamin and mineral supplements. These were alfalfa, astragalus, black cohosh, black walnut green hulls, borage, cascara sagrada, capsicum, and cloves. We’re now ready with the second part that features some more herbs and spices. Take a look!


Cranberry (Scientific Name: Vacciniummacrocarpon) contains special proanthocyanidins which help prevent urinary tract infections by stopping harmful bacteria from attaching to the lining of the urinary tract and bladder. In contrast to antibiotics which decimate beneficial probiotic populations and promote the creation of resistant strains of infections, the use of cranberry to resolve urinary tract infections provides a natural approach to this condition.For the prevention of recurrent UTI, it is usually recommended to take cranberry herbal medicine for at least 4 weeks to see beneficial effects.

Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil(Scientific Name: Linumusitatissium) contains 20% flax particulates with 11 mg of lignans per tablespoon, the highest source of omega-3 available. Current research indicates that lignans have important nutritive and preventive properties.Nutritionists, researchers, and even scientists believe that it could be the most important health-promoting supplement next to a multi-vitamin. Nearly every system in the body can benefit from flaxseed oil. Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids are known to play important roles in the formation of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are cellular regulators, which control the inflammatory process in the body. Flaxseed oil, which contains large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and adequate amounts of omega-6 fatty acids, is helpful in protocols which deal with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, arthritis, psoriasis, cancer, diabetes and kidney disease. It also slows the aging process, shields the skin from wrinkling, boosts production of new skin, hair and nails.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest living tree species in the world. Geological records indicate this plant has been growing on Earth for 150–200 million years. It has been used in Oriental medicine to treat respiratory and circulatory ailments and to help brain function.Through hundreds of studies done on this plant, it shows to be a good antioxidant and primarily to have potent action on the cardiovascular system. It acts on the lining of the blood vessels, toning the venous system, thus enhancing oxygenation and blood flow especially to the brain and extremities.Ginkgo also acts as a powerful antioxidant support and contributes to the oxidation of free radicals, which are believed to contribute to premature aging and dementia. Antioxidants also protect the eyes, cardiovascular system and central nervous system.

Licorice Root

Licorice (Scientific Name:Glycyrrhizaglabra) has long been used for both culinary and medical purposes. Used for flavoring and sweetening candies and medical remedies, licorice also has other potent effects, particularly for ulcers and adrenal insufficiencies. Whole licorice is used for cases of adrenal insufficiencies and inflammation. Another more widely used form is the deglycyrrhizinated one which is as effective as whole licorice in its ulcer treating properties but without any hypertensive side effects. Licorice contains the glycoside glycyrrhizin, which has a similar structure and activity as the adrenal steroids. Licorice has an anti-inflammatory activity similar to that of cortisone and has been found useful for arthritis and allergies. In addition, licorice has been used for mild Addison’s disease and other adrenal insufficiencies, such as hypoglycemia.

Passion Flower

The flavonoids in passion flower (Scientific Name: Passifloraincarnata) are the primary constituents responsible for its relaxing and anti-anxiety effects. Some of the plant’s constituents such asapigenin, luteolin, kaempferol, and quercetin show promise in fighting Parkinson’s disease, cancer, HIV, leukemia, and more. This amazing herb has been found to have anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-parasitic and anti-fungal properties, including anti-candida, anti-cancerous and anti-tumor properties. It is widely being used in many anxiety and candida supplements today.

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto (Scientific Name: Serenoarepens)is a small hardy clump-forming spiny palm of southern United States.It is a plant that has been used for men as a general tonic for health. Principally, saw palmetto is the most beneficial when taken to help alleviate symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Saw Palmetto supplements like the one from New Roots Herbalare standardized to 85–95 % fatty acids.

Valerian Root

Since the ancient Greek times, the root of valerian(Scientific Name: Valerianaofficinalis) has been valued as an antispasmodic and sleep aid. The first known records reported its use in the treatment of epilepsy. Today, valerian is widely used throughout Europe as a mild sedative and sleep aid for insomnia, as a balancing agent for hyper excitability and exhaustion, calming the one and stimulating the other.

These aforesaid medicinal herbs and spices are found in lots of vitamin and mineral supplements nowadays. is a reliable shop to buy them at affordable rates in Canada. It deals in womens and mens health vitamins and minerals, joint & bone supplements, digestive probiotic supplements, parasite and candida supplements, detox supplements, liver and kidney support supplements, etc. The site offers an array of reputable New Roots Herbal products.

Popular Natural Vitamin and Mineral Supplements to Strengthen the Immune System

The immune system is our body’s most vital line of defence against infections and diseases. It is an extremely complicated system formed mostly of an array of various kinds of white blood cells, whose job is to detect and do away with abnormal cells and invading pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. It is evident that sustaining a potent, healthy immune system is essential. However, many people unintentionally weaken their immune system these days, due to poor lifestyle or eating habits. So, it becomes important to make the right choices of foods and practices that will ultimately assist in strengthening the immune system. These include:

•    Following more of a plant-based diet program
•    Doing exercise on a regular basis
•    Avoiding drinking and smoking
•    Maintaining a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI)
•    Having at least 7 hours of sleep every night
•    Participating in a cleanse to eliminate toxins in the body
•    Taking a natural or herbal vitamin and mineral supplement to make up for nutritional deficiencies

Here, we’ll take a look at some popular natural vitamin and mineral supplements to boost your immune system.

Mushroom Extracts

Mushroom extracts come in both pill and liquid form and you can find this substance derived from a variety of mushroom types, from Reishi, Maitake and Cordycepsto shiitake and Hericiumerinaceus (Lion’s Mane). Each mushroom's extract provides a variety of benefits, such as fortifying the immune system, stimulating digestion, protecting against cancer, improving memory and neurological functions, preventing the effects of aging, boosting cardiovascular well being, increasing energy and stamina, etc. However,it is recommended to take the advice of your health care provider before introducing this natural medicine to your diet.

Oil of Oregano

Wild oregano has a history of medicinal use dating back to ancient Greece, where it was used as a medicine. It has been used traditionally for centuries to help ward off colds and flus. Several studies have shown participants administered Oregano Oil daily experienced disappearance of enteric parasites, bacterial yeast and other microbial organisms that cause illness. It is also a powerful antioxidant with positive actions against inflammation and helps the body to fight against the negative effects of toxins. As a potent antiviral, anti fungal, antibacterial and antiseptic agent, Oregano Oil has been used for gastrointestinal upsets, parasites, fungal infections, cuts, burns, bruises, abrasions, skin conditions, colds and respiratory disorders.


Garlic is a perennial plant with white, starry flowers and bulb clusters of individual cloves. The plant has been used to protect against infections, to lower blood cholesterol and fat levels and to help with digestion. Modern research has confirmed these effects. Garlic has been valued for thousands of years for its extraordinary healing and properties. It has also been used to protect from and fight against colds and flus; as an expectorant to reduce phlegm due to bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia; to protect wounds from infection, treat abscesses and cuts, protect the circulation, lower blood clotting. Garlic lowers blood sugar levels, stimulates and protects the liver and has been used as a digestive tonic for gastritis and dysentery.


Colostrum is a pre-milk nutrient collected from pasture-fed dairy cows; some of the active nutrients in colostrum include vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, folic acid, and biotin as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.  In addition, colostrum is the only natural source of important growth and antimicrobial factors and antibodies that are known to help regulate immune system function. It provides over 90 beneficial nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, amino acids and enzymes.

Taking any of these above natural/herbal vitamin and mineral supplements in conjunction with the right diet and proper exercise can help to keep your immune system healthy for long. is a popular health and beauty shop in Canada, offering a wide range of skincare items and herbal medicine online. Shop for effective men’s health vitamins as well as women’s health and wellness vitamins at everyday low prices here. Various supplements sold on the website include heart & cholesterol supplements, antioxidant support, stress & insomnia supplements, joint & bone supplements, liver support, detox supplements, and so on.