Saturday 18 March 2017

Mushroom Extracts: The Healing Power of Magical Mushroom

Mushrooms are such a magical food that no other food sources have such magic. There is an important role of medicinal mushroom in our well being. They help in activating the immune system and potentially fighting against cancer. Mushroom can also help in other ways to protect the world by:

•    Fighting naturally against flu viruses and other diseases.

•    Without using any harmful pesticides, they can kill insects, termites and ants also.

•    Reinstate the habitat that is destroyed by pollution.

•    Helpingto create sustainable fuel.

The fruit of mycelium is actually known as mushroom which is a filamentous, cobweb like cellular network. Mushrooms are diverse in color, shape and size, even among the members of same species. About 100 species of mushrooms have been studied for their health promoting benefits. Among them, about half a dozen are useful in building the immune system in human beings and have the ability to fight against cancer. There is one particular kind of mushroom called Cordyceps, also known as caterpillar fungus, having anti tumor properties. In the wild, it grows out of an insect host rather than a plant host. So this parasitic mushroom is unique. It has long been used in traditional Tibetan and Chinese medicine. Many scientists have been studying cordycepin,one of the active medicinal compounds found in this fungus, as a possible cancer drug. Cordyceps in the form of mushroom extracts may also have direct anti-cancer effects.

Bio active Components in Mushroom

Mushroom consists of 90% of water by weight. It contains fiber, protein and some amounts of fat along with minerals and vitamins including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. There are important bio active molecules present in mushrooms like steroids, phenol, terpenoids, and essential amino acids. Many therapeutic properties are present in these edible fungi. They are as follows:

•    Hypoglycemic

•    Anti-inflammatory

•    Anti-tumorigenic

•    Anti-ulcer

•    Immune stimulating

There are antioxidants that are unique to the mushrooms. They are now called master antioxidants. Mushrooms also provide necessary nutrients that many individuals are having deficiency in including Vitamin B. Therefore, consumption of mushroom can improve your diet quality with better nutrition. It also maintains your cholesterol level.

Go for Organic Mushroom or Grow Your Own

Mushroom is a healthy addition to your diet. But, you have to make sure they are organically grown as their flesh can easily absorb soil and air contaminants. Don’t pick directly from the wild unless you don’t know what you are picking because there are a number of toxic mushroom types that can easily make you confused. So if you don’t have enough knowledge about what to look for in mushroom, don’t pick it on your own. For a safer alternative to picking wild mushroom, growing on your own is an excellent option. Today, due to growing demand, they are also grown in climate controlled green houses.

Today, various kinds of mushroom extracts in the form of supplementation prove to be very effective for several serious ailments. They come in both pill and liquid form and you can find this substance derived from a variety of mushroom types, from Reishi to Shiitake, from Cordyceps to Maitake. Each mushroom's extract provides a variety of benefits, but do not introduce this natural medicine to your diet until you get approval from your health care provider. offers a variety of mushroom extracts in capsule form online. Manufactured by the famous New Roots Herbal, they can benefit the users in multiple ways. In addition, this online shop is a one-stop store for lots of vitamin and mineral supplements, anti-aging skin care products, and hand and foot care products (like foot balm, foot deodorant, callus cream, etc.).

Herbal Detox Supplements Help in Cleansing Various Organs of the Body

Detox herbs are used to cleanse various systems and organs of the body. They have been in use for thousands of years in many cultures and regions to help with various ailments and health conditions. Due to their long history, effectiveness and popularity, some of these herbs have found their way to several successful detox supplements today.

Top Detox Herbs

There are detox herbs from which we can get the benefit of cleansing body and they are easily available. Apart from their use in different supplements, they are used a lot in our daily life and we should have knowledge about them. They are as follows:

•    Organic Gum Acacia: It is made from the sap of Acacia tree. It helps a lot to relieve the symptoms of diarrhea by improving electrolyte absorption. To facilitate and stabilize the synergy between two ingredients, it is used as an emulsifier.

•    Organic Milk Thistle: For over 2000 years, this natural herb has been in use to help the gallbladder and liver. It is used to improve digestive system by producing bile.

•    Black Walnut: This was first introduced in the year 1600 by Europeans. It is primarily effective in wellness practices and sustaining good health. The main ingredients present in black walnut are tannins, iodine and juglone. They help in fighting against bacteria and fungus and providing essential minerals to all parts of the body.

•    Dandelion: It helps with a wide range of maladies. It maintains good hydration level and bowel regularities. Dandelion root is used as a liver cleansing product. It is also believed that this tree helps with the body’s immune system.

•    Wormwood: This is basically helpful to fight against harmful organism such as roundworms and pinworms. It also helps in digestion.

•    Cilantro: It is mostly helpful in getting rid of dangerous toxic metals that accumulates in organ tissues. We use cilantro in our daily cooking. It bounds all the toxic metals and helps in pulling them out from various tissues.

•    Alfalfa Leaf: To avoid infection, herbalists have been using alfalfa leaf for centuries. It helps to stimulate a healthy appetite and fight against stomach ulcers.

•    Peppermint: Peppermint is generally used to fight against cold and flu. If you have sinus irritation or sore throat, then peppermint can help you a lot. It is an active ingredient in lung cleansing products.

•    Eucalyptus: It also helps in cleansing lungs. It attacks viruses and fights against bacteria. It acts as an ointment to chest congestion and stopped up nose.

•    Stinging Nettle: It aids in resisting microorganisms. Stinging nettle also promotes normal blood pressure and offers resistance to swelling and redness in skin.

All these detox herbs are uniquely beneficial for our various body parts. For hundreds of years,they have been part of the therapeutic lexicon. Hence, there is no surprise that these herbs are now the active ingredients in many popular detox supplements.

If you’re looking to shop for detox supplements online, it is advisable to visit for really effective products at economical prices. The website sells over 300 herbal vitamin and mineral supplements for a host of health conditions. The herbal medicine range here also includes New Roots digestive enzymes, antioxidant support, probiotic support, candida supplements, cholesterol supplements, joint care and anti-inflammation, diabetes support, and mushroom extracts.

Collagen Skin Care to Renewand Revive Aging Skin

Collagen is a kind of protein present in our body’s tissues and organs. It provides the matrix that is required to sustain the body structure. The main function of collagen is to maintain the skin, cartilage and tendons. It provides firmness, elasticity and integrity to their structures. To keep skin supple, the collagen level should be maximized through diet. Collagen is present in the whole body. There are 29 types of collagen present in our body. Over 90% of collagen is of Type 1 to 5. Type 1 is the most abundant.

•    Collagen Type 1: Tendon, vascular, skin, ligature, bones, organs

•    Collagen Type 2: Cartilage

•    Collagen Type 3: Reticulate fibers

•    Collagen Type 4: Forms bases of cell membrane

Role of Collagen in Skin Health

For use in a skin supplement, Type 1 collagen is the best. This collagen is responsible for skin strength and elasticity. Its degradation will lead to wrinkles that will again lead to aging of skin. Our body’s collagen level reduces as we get older, which results in the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. It also decreases the level of smoothness and suppleness of the skin. If the collagen level of the entire body can be increased somehow, then the sign of aging can be slowed down. But collagen cannot get absorbed in the skin.  So people prefer the supplementation process. The traditional sources of collagen are not effective. But in recent times, there is much advanced technology in collagen supplement with the emergence of collagen peptides.

Fish Collagen Peptides

•    Fish collagen peptides are easily digestive.

•    They are better absorbed by the skin and body.

•    It has a low allergy potential.

Fish collagen peptides have small peptide molecules in the range of 3000 and 5000 Daltons. Due to their small molecular size,their absorption process is much easier compared to other peptides, which results in more efficient collagen synthesis. Due to this advantage, fish collagen peptides are becoming a highly popular choice for skin care supplements to improve skin smoothness, moisture, elasticity and also to help in reducing the fine lines and wrinkles.

Reasons of Poor Collagen Level in Body

There are many collagen creams introduced into the market but they are more marketing than science. Only a few ingredients prove to be reproducing collagen. There are various factors that weaken collagen production. Mostly of them are genetic but poor diet and exposure to sun can worsen things. There are some people having collagen deficiencies that not only affect the skin but also weaken the hair, nails etc. Many anti-wrinkle creams are available in market containing some form of collagen building mechanism. But these can vary depending upon formulas. To smooth out wrinkles in elderly skin, active ingredients can increase production of collagen. Taking proper diet and advice from doctors is the best for our body and skin.

You can really benefit from collagen skin care by opting for highly effective Phyto Sintesi collagen face mask for sale at This Canada-based health and beauty shop online offers a wide array of anti-aging skin care products at attractive rates. The popular brand names the website deals in include Mary Cohr, BeautyMed, Clayton Shagal, Rosa Graf, and not to mention Phyto Sintesi skin care.