Monday 6 June 2016

8 Herbs and Spices Making Herbal Medicine More and More Popular

The use of herbs and plants to prepare medicine and treat various diseases has a long history, dating back many centuries. You can find the mention of herbal medicine in almost all past civilizations. With people across the world getting more inclined to the natural way of living healthier and happier lives, this traditional medicine, also known as alternative medicine, has witnessed some sort of resurgence in recent times. Modern pharmaceutical companies even make use of lots of herb and plant-derived compounds to increase the effectiveness of their drugs. And, not to mention is the growing usage of herbs and spices in vitamin and mineral supplements today. The list of medicinal herbs and spices is really long, so we’ve mentioned just 8 of them here and will add more in the subsequent posts.


Alfalfa (scientific name: Medicago sativa) is a plant endemic to south-western Asia and south-eastern Europe. Called the “Father of all foods, it contains biotin, calcium, choline, inositol, iron, magnesium, PABA, phosphorus, potassium, protein, sodium, sulphur, amino acids and vitamins. All the minerals that Alfalfa contains are in balanced form which promotes absorption.

The roots of the Alfalfa plant go deep into the earth to reach minerals that are not accessible to other plants. It is very high in proteins and it has 8 amino acids that are well-known to create chemical reactions that enable food to be assimilated properly in the body. Alfalfa is also a very good source of chlorophyll and nutrients.

Alfalfa oxygenates the blood and detoxifies the body, especially the liver. So, it is found in many detox supplements these days. It also alkalizes the organism. It is good for colon disorders, ulcers, stomach problems, anemia and aids in cases of arthritis. It contains a natural antifungal agent and is a good choice for people who need mineral supplementation.


Astragalus (scientific name: Astragalus membranaceus) is endemic to China and Mongolia and has been among the widely used herbs in the traditional Chinese medicine. It is cultivated in the USA and Canada too. Astragalus is a complex combination of polysaccharides, triterpene glycosides, flavonoids, amino acids, and trace minerals. It has been shown to stimulate the body’s natural production of interferon and also useful for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, chemotherapy support, common cold/sore throat and immune function.

Astragalus is now prescribed, in both the East and the West, for immuno-compromised people, or people who easily ’catch’ illnesses. This product is safe to use repeatedly on a daily basis. Studies in the West confirm that Astragalus enhances immune function by increasing activity of several kinds of white blood cells and boosting production of antibodies and interferon, the body’s own antiviral agent.

Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh (Scientific name: Cimicifuga racemosa) is endemic to North America and recognized as one of the most popular herbs for the treatment of menopausal symptoms. Natural alternatives such as black cohosh are increasingly being selected as a side effect free replacement to hormone replacement therapy. Black cohosh contains various glycosides such as actaein, cimicifungin, racemosin, estrogenic substances, oleic and palmitic acid, phosphorus, tannins, triterpenes, and vitamins A and B5. It is considered to have a good antispasmodic property and has a long historical use in treating female disorders. The part used is the root. Black cohosh stimulates blood circulation and has a sedating effect on the nervous system. It is also useful for the treatment of the symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism.

Black Walnut Green Hulls

The black walnut green hulls are the most sought after for their medicinal and astringent qualities. Having high elemental iron content, black walnut (Scientific name: Juglans nigra) is a powerful astringent and antifungal herb that may be used for expelling worms, parasites, candida, canker sores, cold sores, fungus, tuberculosis, herpes, and eczema and has a mild laxative effect. It contains flavonoids, tannins, ellagic, tannic and gallic acids, juglone, nucin, trace minerals and vitamins.

Worldwide, parasites outrank cancer as humanity’s greatest enemy to health. Black walnut cleanses and purifies the blood. It is very effective in the treatment of intestinal parasites; fighting them and expelling them from the organism. Hence, black walnut is used as a powerful ingredient in parasite and candida supplements.


From its bristly stems to its blue star-shaped flowers, virtually all parts of the borage plant (Scientific name: Borago officinalis) have been used over the centuries for their healing properties and as a flavoring for foods. As early as the 1600s, Europeans mixed borage leaves and flowers into a wine that was renowned for relieving boredom and dispelling melancholy.

Like evening primrose oil and black currant seed oil, borage oil owes its healing power to the presence of essential fatty acids, the most important of which is GLA, an omega-6 fatty acid. In borage oil, the GLA seems to calm inflammation overall, making it an attractive treatment option for arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Nature’s most potent concentration of GLA comes in the form of borage seed oil (24%). Borage oil also relieves the discomforts of PMS, endometriosis, and fibrocystic breasts.

Cascara Sagrada

Cascara sagrada (Scientific name: Frangula purshiana), “sacred bark” in Spanish, is a deciduous shrub or small tree from the buckthorn family with a distinctive reddish gray bark. The bark was first marketed to the medical community in 1877 when the pharmaceutical company of Parke-Davis introduced a bitter emetic fluid extract. In 1890, the plant was officially listed in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia.

It is perhaps the safest and most certain laxative available and can be used to restore tone to the colon and thereby overcome laxative dependence in the elderly. The herb is safe and effective for detoxifying and cleansing programs, as opposed to the harsher laxatives, such as senna. Cascara is also an effective liver tonic in small doses: hepatitis, gallstones, etc.


The beneficial effects of Capsicum annuum (Cayenne) are as antiseptic, antirheumatic, and antihemorroidal. The positive effect it has on digestion include controlling stomach gas (bloating), increased saliva formation, and stimulating gastric secretions. It also acts as a systemic stimulant to improve blood circulation, kidney, spleen, pancreas, and respiratory function. It also stimulates the sweat glands to promote thermoregulation.


Cloves are the rich, brown, dried, unopened flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum, an evergreen tree in the myrtle family. The name comes from the French “clou” meaning nail. Used in China for more than two thousand years, legend has it that cloves are an aphrodisiac. There are many proven benefits when using cloves: it relieves tooth pain and has an antiemetic action that helps control vomiting.

This herb keeps food fresh because the main active component of cloves is eugenol, which has long been known to help kill bacteria, parasites and viruses. This herb is also used for combating intestinal problems such as indigestion, and laboratory studies have shown its effectiveness.

These aforementioned therapeutic herbs and spices are found in many vitamin and mineral supplements as well as herbal medicine online. is a trusted destination to buy them at affordable rates in Canada. It deals in womens and mens health vitamins and minerals, joint & bone supplements, digestive probiotic supplements, parasite and candida supplements, detox supplements, liver and kidney support supplements, and so on. The website is the authorized seller of reputable New Roots Herbal products.

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