Sunday 10 July 2016

5 Herbal Vitamin and Mineral Supplements to be Taken as Anti-Aging Nutrition

Taking anti aging nutritionin the right amounts can help people to keep the adverse effects of growing older at bay. An anti-aging diet should include colorful fruits and vegetables like deep red tomatoes, carrots, blueberries, and leafy greens. In addition, one must eat oats, brown rice, wheat, fatty fish (tuna or salmon), low-fat dairy foods, nuts, and beans and lentils. There are also herbal vitamin and mineral supplements available to supplement your anti-aging nutritional deficiencies. Following are 5 such supplements that come with the most effective antioxidant support to slow down aging.

Astragalus Extract to Preserve Telomeres

Standardized extract of astragalus contains compounds that actively preserve specialized strands of DNA called telomeres. Telomeres preserve genetic information during cell division; the preservation of telomeres actively slows down the process of aging at the cellular level and delays the onset of many age-related degenerative diseases.

Green Tea

Green tea is the natural extract from the dried leaves of the tea plant. It contains polyphenols thatare powerful antioxidant compounds. Antioxidants protect the body’s cells and tissues. Potent antioxidants like catechins have been shown in numerous studies to fight viruses, slow aging, and have a beneficial effect on health. Clinical tests have shown that catechins destroy free radicals and have far-reaching positive effects on the entire body. As the most effective antioxidant support, green tea supplement benefits both immune and circulatory health. It possesses antimicrobial properties that support immune system health. It has been found to protect against digestive and respiratory infections. This supplement protects the heart by helping to prevent vascular blood clotting and reducing cholesterol, thereby being regarded as one of the popular heart & cholesterol supplements today.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest living tree species in the world. Geological records indicate this plant has been growing on Earth for 150–200 million years.Ginkgo biloba leaves contain heterosides, flavonol glycosides, bioflavones, lactones and terpines.It acts as a powerful antioxidant and contributes to the oxidation of free radicals, which are believed to contribute to premature aging and dementia.It also acts on the lining of the blood vessels, toning the venous system, thus enhancing oxygenation and blood flow especially to the brain and extremities.

Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract is a rich bioflavonoid which is used for fighting free radicals and maintaining capillary health. It is very similar to pine bark extract, with a high content of proanthocyanidins. Free radicals do damage in the capillaries in two ways; first, by inactivating a compound called a 1-antitripsin, whose role is to restrain the enzymes that break down collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, and secondly, by turning the fats in the cell membranes rancid (lipid peroxidation).Grape seed extract is synergistic with vitamin C, which is more potent and absorbed more rapidly when used together with proanthocyanidins.

Panax Ginseng

Known as the king of herbs in China, Panax ginseng is a deciduous perennial shrub whose fleshy root requires 4-6 years of cultivation to reach maturity. It is used as a natural preventive, restorative remedy and valued for its adaptogenic properties.Panax ginseng is used for conditions of aging, tiredness, weakness, debility, convalescence, low resistance, stress, poor metabolism and lack of concentration. Its extracts have been shown to have antioxidant supportactivity and to protect against radiation damage.

All of these herbal vitamin and mineral supplements play an important role in improving one’s anti aging nutrition significantly. You can buy them from at very affordable prices. Based in the Canadian province of Ontario, the website offers a host of homeopathy and herbal medicine online, right from heart & cholesterol supplements and detox supplements to joint & bone supplements and many more. It is the one-stop destination for men’s health vitamins as well as vitamins for women’s health and wellness at everyday low prices.

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